
«A good (genetic) match? Applying whole-genome testing to select gametes»

«Genomic Risk and Bioeconomy. Between Reproductive Medicine and Predictive Tests»

«The Reproductive Bioeconomy in Spain: Market design, regulatory challenges and policy issues»

«The futures in and of genomics»

«El imaginario genético en España:un análisis de la genética de consumo»

«Banalisation of genomics in reproductive field: Genetic matching, predictive selection and adds-on in reproductive facilities»

«Testing cancer, testing genomics: the contours of genetic predisposition in breast and ovarian cancer in Spain»

“Évaluer le Risque Génétique, le Rendee In/Visibile”

“Thank you for sharing your DNA! Governamentalità neoliberale e la condizione del broker di se stesso”

“Aportaciones de la cienciometría a la investigación genética»