Ayo Wahlberg
Ayo Wahlberg is Professor MSO at the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. Working in the field of social studies of (bio)medicine, his research has focused on the modernization of traditional herbal medicine (in Vietnam and the United Kingdom), reproductive and genetic technologies (in China and Denmark), health metrics (in clinical trials and global health) as well as chronic living (through a multi-country study entitled “The Vitality of Disease – Quality of Life in the Making”). He is currently working on a book project tentatively titled “Surveillance Life” examining one of the ever expanding effects of whole genome research, that is the formation of lifelong medical surveillance programmes for people identified as genetically predisposed to serious disease. Ayo is the author of Good Quality – the Routinization of Sperm Banking in China, co-editor of Selective Reproduction in the 21st Century & Viral Loads – Anthropologies of Urgency in the Time of COVID-19.